Water Intoxication: Can Too Much Water Kill Your Dog?

How much water is too much for your dog?Higher temperatures this summer usually means more time is spent outside for pet owners, but this can also mean more trips to your veterinarian. During the summer months, we typically see an increase in the amount of injuries and illnesses overall. One of those illnesses that Doctor Yetter and his staff have encountered this summer is water intoxication. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Health  |  Pet Safety

Eliminating the Risk of a Pet Poisoning All Year Long

dog begging for foodSpring brings a sense of regeneration, renewal, and optimism for the future. While you may be preparing to till the soil, clean out the garage, and tear through that Honey-Do List, allow  us to renew the concept of preventing a pet poisoning this spring.

The calendar month of March is on board; in fact, March 20-26 is marked Pet Poison Prevention Week. Your pet’s natural curiosity can place him or her in harm’s way – but your team at Prairie Ridge Veterinary Clinic have the following tips and tricks so your pet can enjoy nature’s splendor for all the months of the year. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Safety

Keeping The Winter Weight Off Your Pets

A dog dozing on the floorJanuary is here, and with it the usual round of health-related New Year’s Resolutions. While we are taking the time to reflect on where we may have neglected our own health and wellness, why not ask ourselves where we might improve these areas of our pet’s lives as well?

Seasonal pet weight gain is a fact of life for most animals who live in a seasonal climate, whether that’s trying to prevent the weight from creeping on or struggling to lose it after the fact. Keeping our pets fit and healthy over the frigid Midwestern winter can be a challenge, but one worth fighting for. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Health  |  Pet Safety

Pet Diabetes and Obesity: Prevention, Treatment, and Awareness

A woman staring down a dog over a piece of cheeseAlthough the topic of pet diabetes is not particularly fun, it is important. Since November is National Diabetes Month, we want to raise awareness and focus on prevention of this all-too-common disease.

While diabetes can take a heavy toll on a pet’s health, it’s important to understand that type II diabetes is actually preventable. For pets who have already been diagnosed, it may be comforting to know they can still lead relatively normal, healthy lives with the correct treatment plan. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Health  |  Pet Safety

Celebrating a Pet-Friendly Halloween

A cat with several pumpkinsFor many, Halloween is one of the most popular holidays to celebrate. Delicious treats, creative costumes, cool, crisp autumn evenings – what’s not to enjoy? It’s also a family-friendly holiday, which means thinking of fun – and safe – ways to include your pet in this year’s Howl-o-ween festivities. Continue…

Travel vs. Boarding: How to Make the Right Choice for Your Pet

Young dog  looking out the car windowThe end of summer often signals the last chance for the family vacation. It’s a popular time of year to get in one more trip to country, a new city, or other destination. But, for those with pets, the question of boarding versus bringing your pet along can be a challenging one.

Since there are advantages and drawbacks to both choices, let’s explore some of the considerations that will help you make the best decision for your pet. Continue…

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posted in:  Pet Safety

Summer Pet Safety Checklist

A pair of puppies licking an ice cream coneFor many pet parents, celebrating summer without our four-legged friends is out of the question. However, dehydration, heatstroke, and a slew of other complications can quickly turn summer fun into a summer emergency for our pets if we aren’t careful.

Take a moment to bone up on summer pet safety, and what to do if things take an unexpected turn for the worse. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Safety

Heat Stroke and Summer Pet Safety

A dog out in the grassAlthough summer is coming to a close, we’re not out of the woods just yet when it comes to warm temperatures affecting our pets. Even the seemingly-cooler days of early fall can put your pet at risk for overexertion, dehydration, and heat stroke, if you’re not careful.

Keep your pet safe by keeping these tips in mind through the end of the season:

  • Limit the amount of time you spend outside, especially during the hottest parts of the day
  • Let your pet take breaks away from the heat by providing access to your air-conditioned house, a well-ventilated outdoor shelter, or clean water to play in (a kiddie pool, sprinkler, etc.)
  • Provide easy access to plenty of fresh drinking water, day and night, indoors and out. A good rule of thumb is one bowl of water, plus one more, per-pet.
  • Don’t forget to bring water (and a bowl) along when you go on walks or trips away from home
  • Make sure your pet has access to a cool shady spot in the yard so that he or she can get out of the hot sun when needed
  • Take your daily walks during the early morning hours or later in the evening
  • Stay off of hot asphalt during your walks to prevent your pet’s paws from getting burned.
  • Likewise, be mindful of hot truck beds and other surfaces that absorb heat, such as packed gravel and dirt.
